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A critical discourse analysis of criticism in Greta Thunberg's speech at the United Nations climate action summit on September 23 rd, 2019
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Discourse of persuasion: A critical discourse analysis of Donald J. Trump's presidential announcement speech
Difficulties in translating English collocations in political newspapers faced by DAV's 3 rd year English majored students and suggested solutions
A critical discourse analysis of the anti-immigration ideology in president Donald Trump's remarks on November 1 st, 2018
A critical discourse analysis: The Afghanistan strategy in president Barack Obama's remark on december 1st, 2009
A critical discourse analysis on climate denialism in selected news corp publications
A critical discourse analysis of president Donald Trump's inauguration speech
Rhetoric in Donald Trump's relevant Tweets: A critical discourse analysis
Nationalism in discursive legitimation: An analysis of the Vietnamese communist party's Bamboo Diplomacy discourse on digital journalism
Ngoại giao và công tác ngoại giao
A critical discourse analysis of Shashi Tharoor's Oxford union speech: A fairclough approach